Manufacture POS and POSM. POS-materials production.
P.O.S, POSM - decoration
of Point-of-sales.
During tough competition, more and more active role plays Point-of-sales.
According to the marketing services' investigations more than a half of
customers (about 60%) make up their choices directly at a place of purchase.
It is here, where decoration of a point-of-sales terminal plays influential
roles. It stimulate persuasion for the customers to process further into
the commodity locations thus increasing enthusiastic driving force levels
for purchasing the goods or current advertised brands.
POS-solutions - are important marketing tools that influence buyers
during moments of visual interaction with products at their locations.
Through their use, relapse occurs of spontaneous shopping.
Competent application of POS becomes a powerful tool for attract customers.
However buyers usually consider POS solely as means of embellishment of
product lay-out locations.
Let's not agree to this statement. POSM solutions are helping to shape
a positive image of the product, generate interest and underline its individual
characteristics. Hence they raise primary product need and justify it
to the consumers.
In comparison to creation of TV demo material or mass media advertisement,
this promotional technique differentiate with it's cost efficiency and
effectiveness to accurately hit the target audiences.
Moreover, POS means are perhaps the best and last chance for store keepers
to induce the buyers to their side and to encourage them to buy own product
POS-materials - are advertising enrichment outfits that work in
the field of sales, in a favourable perspective giving buyer a distinct
product by highlight its advantages among similar products.
Design & Development are leading research-and-development manufacturers
of advertisement and trade equipment for point-of-sales on Russian market.
Our ongoing experience in POS-industry started since 2000. We are a member
of "POPAI" association which is representing the interests of
professionals in the field of communications at a point-of-sales.
"D & D" creates unique products that effectively benefit
towards business development and encourage brand movement, providing a
full range of services for the design and production:
all types of P.O.S.M. materials
non-standard trade equipment
lighting design
outdoor advertising
exhibition and Promo equipment
integrated solutions for HoReCa segment
commercial interior design
integrated solutions for Air-terminals
silk-screen printing
Being one of the largest developers and manufacturers
of POS-materials, our company has its own resources to design POSM - materials,
as well as its own production base.
This is precisely why we pay special attention to innovations in engineering
and manufacturing of our products. We constantly elaborate new types of
equipment, search for new forms, designs and mechanisms.
Our innovative approaches together with client focused professional team
can guarantee a high quality standards and on time delivery of any order