Presenter - demonstration equipment, designed to emphasize the product
out of competing commodity and express in its most favorable light.
This type of advertising technique in point-of-sales, exhibitions and leisure
areas where number of prospective customers is high; allows not only to describe
and bring out product's advantage features but can help to reveal product's
personality and give consumer a chance to examine it in natural size.
Presenter is an innovative rack for product presentation and can be
floor-fixed, table-fixed or hanging-type.
It is important that the presenter has an attractive and memorable design.
It also important for it to have unique appearance while being in line with
overall corporate identity of brand line.
This way the overall effectiveness could be increased through means of raising
product significance in customer's eyes, since frequently presentation technique
of a product is occasionally shifted to the product itself by the consumer.
Presenter for mobile phone “Siemens”