Menu-holder is the holder for menu, widely spread
product, which is used in HoReCa segment. It does not only inform the customers
about menu content but also can serve as an advertising vehicle.
There are several basement types of menu-holders: external - that are placed
at the outside entrance and internal - placed inside the storefront.
Outdoor can be of several type: wall-type and ground-type. Among indoor type
there are ground-type, wall-type and table-type. Table-type menu-holders can
be placed as on tables, so on the bar counters.
Great variety of options in using menu-holders permit decoration of all menu-holders
of the storefront in common style using brand image.
The ingeniousness and attractiveness of menu can be achieved by using innovative
technologies, for instance using EL panels, which provide dynamic lighting
to desired area, or LEDs which can provide back light to the brand name.
The choice of materials for manufacturing attractive and durable menu-holders
is very diverse: metal, stainless steel, plastic, glass, etc.